Important versions for upgrade path
YMCA Website Services development moves quickly and in this document, we flag important versions that should not be skipped while you upgrade your sites.
Determining your upgrade path
For example: If you are on YMCA Website Services 8.1.2 and want to upgrade to YMCA Website Services you should make it in a couple of steps
- Upgrade 8.1.2 to
- Upgrade to
- Upgrade to
- Upgrade …
These supplemental documents elaborate on a few specific cases:
- Upgrade from YMCA Website Services <8.1.3
- Upgrade from 8.1.3 to
- Upgrade from to
Important versions
- Optional, when you have a lot of customized code and is failing in most places.
- This is a very important step everyone should have. After this version,drush entup
stops working. In this version, we finally migrated to the core media subsystem, and before going further it is important to upgrade media by upgrading your site to this version first.
- This is a very stable Drupal 8 based YMCA Website Services with a bunch of contrib module updates. This is one of the last Drupal 8 based YMCA Website Services versions before the upgrade to Drupal 9 core. Also, in and we started to introduce multiple version constraints incomposer.json
to allow developers to choose between the minimum or latest dependency versions. This is for securing the upgrade path as well as adding flexibility for version selection if needed.
- Drupal 9 version which must be used in the upgrade path before going to This version added 9.0-9.1 Drupal Core and disabled deprecated components.
- Removed a bunch of unused modules from distribution.
- Last Open Y Drupal core 9.3.* release9.2.11.4
- Technical release of YMCA Website Services ( no diff with )
- Pre Drupal 10 release, latest Drupal 9 release. Before going into Layout Builder era it is recommended to uninstallgeysir
- Drupal 10|9 release, where you may follow the recommendations below:- Upgrade to the latest Drupal 9 core (using version 10.2.14 of the distribution, released in June 2023).
- Upgrade all contrib modules and libraries to their latest Drupal 9-compatible versions (with
composer update
). - Use drupal-rector, drupal-check, and PHPCS to prepare custom modules and themes for Drupal 10.
- Upgrade to Drupal 10 and run regression testing to search for hard-to-find bugs (update
projects in composer.json, then runcompuser update
). - Upgrade all contrib modules on the Drupal 10 site to their latest versions (
composer update
- Drupal 10|9 release, before New Demo Content and Initial Replacement Paragraphs to Blocks for Native Layout Builder Experience10.3.1
- Drupal 10|9 release, New Demo Content and Initial Replacement Paragraphs to Blocks for Native Layout Builder Experience. In this release we bumped a lot of dependencies to become up to date
See Version Constraints practices for YMCA Website Services
Known issues
If you are faced with an issue when composer
installs an improper version of drupal/core
for the chosen version of YMCA Website Services from the list above, please use this trick in order to downgrade:
composer require drupal/core-recommended:9.5.9
Run the above command where your docroot
is. Use the current core version instead of 9.5.9