The Program content type is a high-level page that directs people to more specific program offerings.
An example of a Program in YMCA Website Services would be a Swimming & Aquatics page that directs people to more specific offerings, such as swim lessons or clinics.
When Should I Use a Program?
Programs are pages that should link to more specific offering pages. Most often in YMCA Website Services sites, they are the main program pages in an YMCA Website Services mega menu setup.
How to Use Program
Header Area
- Icon: An image field that displays an icon (jpg/png) inline with the title.
- Image: An optional image field for a picture to display in the header.
- Color: A background color for the header.
- Paragraph Section: Area to enter paragraphs in the Header, such as a Gallery, Small Banner or Microsites menu. Paragraphs entered in this area replace the image/background color
Standard Title with Light Blue
Standard Title with Purple
Small Banner
Content Area
Description: Displays above the main body of your content and serves as a tease for your Program page when it’s displayed as part of a list on another page. Minimal styling and short lengths are recommended.
Content: The main body of your content. Use paragraphs to build your page layout. Designed to integrate with the Categories Listing paragraph, but that is not required.
Sidebar Area
For aside pieces of content, such as side navigations, promotional cards and content related to the main part of your page.
Similar to landing pages, Program pages are designed for flexible layouts, with a couple key differences:
Program pages are designed for integration with the Categories Listing paragraph type. Program subcategory pages are tagged with a Program, and those subcategories are displayed as long cards on that Program page.
There is no layout dropdown. How your content displays depends on your theme.
- Lily/Rose will always display Programs in a two-column layout in desktop.
- Carnation will display desktop in One Column without content in the Sidebar Area and in Two Columns with content in the Sidebar Area.
Carnation: Without Content in the Sidebar
Carnation: Desktop With Content in the Sidebar
- The Description field always displays above the paragraphs you enter.
- There is no bottom area for you to add an anchoring element.