Program Subcategory

Subcategory pages refine broad Programs into more concrete options.

A subset of a Program, Program Subcategory pages list different types of program offerings, grouped into Activities.

An example of a program subcategory page

Whereas a Program page would describe a Y’s Health & Fitness offerings in general, a Program Subcategory would break that down into subcategories such as …

  • Personal Training
  • Group Exercise Classes
  • Pilates

When Should I Use Subcategory?

Most Ys have opted to use Program pages as the top-level categories in their Programs mega menu. Subcategories are then the items underneath each category.

The mega menu with program subcategory items indicated

Subcategories, likewise, appear as horizontal cards on Program pages.

The program subcategories as displayed on program pages

Learn about the Categories Listing Paragraph ⇒

How Do I Use the Program Subcategory Content Type?

Start by adding a Title for your Program Subcategory and tag it with a Program.

The program subcategory fields

The Program tag will pull your Program Subcategory in as a horizontal card on a Program page. You can only tag a Subcategory with one Program.

Header Area

  • Image: Using an image field, select an image from the media browser. Displays in the header and as a thumbnail in Categories Listing.

  • Color: A dropdown to select a background color for your header.

    -> Note: The background color does not display on desktop in Carnation unless you do not have an image selected.

You have the option to add paragraphs in the Header Area. However, these paragraphs display below the below the image and title you enter above.

For example, if you add a banner in the Header Area, it will display below the title and image entered in those Header Area fields.

Subcategory was originally designed to work with the Classes Listing Filters paragraph in the Header Area and the Classes Listing paragraph in the Content Area.

View Subcategory Demo on YMCA Website Services Sandbox ⇒

With the integration of Activity Finder into YMCA Website Services, Classes Listing and Classes Listing Filters are becoming less popular among YMCA Website Services sites.

Content Area

The Content Area includes a Description that displays full-width just below the Header Area.

When your Subcategory is showed in a Categories Listing on a Program page, the Description is the text inside the card.

You can embed content inside the Content Area, all of which will display below the Description.

YMCA of Greater Brandywine Example

An example of program listings

The Sidebar Area will change the layout of the page into two columns once you enter content.

Bottom Area

Use the Bottom Area for anchoring elements, such as small banners and webforms.